Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What About Your EBay Store

Business, Home Business.

Ebook - small problems - this month i have encountered two small problems, which have affected my ebay business. There have been many similar occasions in the past where a little more forward planning would have avoided me redesigning all my eBay auction listings. If I had spent a little more time thinking about the design of my auction listings, these problems could have easily been avoided and I would have had more time to spend on other things instead of editing tiny mistakes in nearly 100 listings.

Therefore, my advice to you in this issue is to think carefully about the design of your auction listings. - now the two actual problems i encountered this month were the down to my paypal address and my ebay id. More time spent on your listing now can mean MUCH less time spent redesigning them in the future. The first problem was that for some reason the Pay Now button in eBay was not working for all customers. The end result was me having to explain and solve the problem via multiple emails to multiple customers. This led to me getting many emails from buyers saying the Pay Now button is not working, or worse many people sending payments to one of my email addresses that was not registered with PayPal.

So how could I have avoided this problem? - i overlooked including my paypal email address in the listings simply because i assumed that the pay now button would work at all times. Well in my actual eBay listing and Payment Policy I made no reference to my PayPal email address but included all my other email addresses. Obviously not. So now all seems fine and dandy with my eBay listings when 2 days ago I received an email stating that I needed to change my User ID because the previous one( * www. theebookcavern. co. uk* *) made reference to this website. I have now amended all listings to include my PayPal email address( payments@ theebookcavern. co. uk if anyone is still unsure) and thankfully since then I have had no PayPal payments sent to the wrong email address. Now on eBay you can get away with this type of User ID for a while but sooner or later eBay will catch you out and make you change it.

So how does this affect my listings? - i knew this so really i should have chose a more sensible user id instead of trying to get a little extra traffic to my website. Well in every listing I include a link to my eBay feedback and eBay About Me page which now needs to be changed. So you may be wandering OK but what' s the point of this story. So that means more fun for me as I will have edit all my eBay listings yet again. Well you( and hopefully me as well) can learn from my mistakes.

I will give you a few things to think about when designing your auction listings but you may think of more. 1) Ebay ID: - When choosing an eBay ID you need to think about using one that both reflects your line of business and also sticks to eBay policy. - these two examples illustrate how just a little forward planning would have saved a lot of time for me and can do for you too. I know that it may be tempting to use* yourwebsitename* as a User ID but that is a violation of eBay policy and they will make you change it eventually. Choosing a User ID which is within eBay policy will save you a lot of time in the future. 2) About Me Page: - Do you have an About Me page? If you have to change your User ID then you have to change every Feedback and About Me link in all your listings. If not you should get one as it is one of the best promotion tools you have on eBay.

If you want to promote yourself on eBay the About Me page is the best way to do it and the best way to increase traffic to your About Me page is promote it fully. 3) Ebay Store: - If you have an eBay store then it is essential that you provide a link to it within your auction listings. - if you do have one you really should link to it in your auctions as from the about me page has much fewer restrictions than your other ebay pages( for example you can link to your own website) . Many customers who view your auctions will not know that you have an eBay store or if they do they may not know exactly what one is. Putting a simple sentence at the top of your auction listings such as" Can' t wait for this auction to end? If you want to maximise your sales potential you need to make as many customers aware of your eBay store as possible. Then Click Here to purchase it right now from my eBay store" will give your eBay store maximum exposure in your eBay auctions. 4) Email Addresses: - Make sure that all relevant email addresses are included in your auction listing.

All the email addresses you wish to be contacted on should also be included as well. - your paypal email address must be in here to avoid similar problems to the ones i experienced. For example I include my PayPal email payments@ theebookcavern. co. uk, my delivery enquiries email delivery@ theebookcavern. co. uk, and my general enquiries email sales@ theebookcavern. co. uk. If these custom pages are in any way relevant to the auction then you should include a link to them too. 6) Images: - Have you put in all the images you want to use to promote your auction. Even if you only have one email address which is the same as the one associated with your" Contact the Seller" you should still include an email link in your auction description simply because it makes it easier for the customer. 5) Ebay Store Custom Pages: - If you have an eBay store you are allowed to design custom pages for whatever purpose you see fit. If not make sure they are all included. If you have one then a store logo is a great way to promote your store, make you look more professional, and hopefully increase traffic and sales.

What about your eBay store? - these are just a few of the many things you should consider before listing an item on ebay. These rules are especially applicable to ebook sellers on eBay because you will be constantly re - using the same auction listing to sell an ebook because you have an infinite supply. I am sure you can think of many more. Getting the listing as close to perfect now will save you a LOT of time in the future. Good luck! !!

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